Bach Meets Escher: Essay No. 1

Polyphony from Four Symphonic Essays Oversized Score

ÉDITION MUSICALE: Southern Music Company
INSTRUMENT GROUP: Orchestre d'Harmonie
This piece is the first in a series of orchestral essays (Entitled Four Symphonic Essays) which explore different aspects of musical texture: monophony, homophony, cacophony, and in this work polyphony. This piece combines the influence of J.S. Bach's music with the graphic designs of M.C. Escher.
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Subtitle Polyphony from Four Symphonic Essays Oversized Score
Édition musicale Southern Music Company
Instrumentation Concert Band
Type de produit Conducteur
Instrument Group Orchestre d'Harmonie
Genre Classique
UPC 888680630294
Collection Southern Music Orchestra
No. HL00173742
This piece is the first in a series of orchestral essays (Entitled Four Symphonic Essays) which explore different aspects of musical texture: monophony, homophony, cacophony, and in this work polyphony. This piece combines the influence of J.S. Bach's music with the graphic designs of M.C. Escher.
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