Jammin' on the Railroad

ÉDITION MUSICALE: Alfred Music Publications
I've Been Working on the Railroad as a swing and funk jazz ensemble chart? You bet! A very creative approach by arranger Mike Lewis has transformed this classic top to bottom. Mike will have your band jammin'! The baritone sax player gets lots of attention in this chart starting off and finishing
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Arrangeur Mike Lewis
Édition musicale Alfred Music Publications
Instrumentation Jazz Band
Moeilijkheidsgraad orkest Grade 3
Type de produit Set
Instrument Group Jazz Band
Genre Jazz
No. ALF00JEM01010
I've Been Working on the Railroad as a swing and funk jazz ensemble chart? You bet! A very creative approach by arranger Mike Lewis has transformed this classic top to bottom. Mike will have your band jammin'! The baritone sax player gets lots of attention in this chart starting off and finishing with a soulful lick---not difficult but very effective. Minimal rehearsal time is needed to pull this great chart together right on schedule. No individual solos in this chart, but plenty of full ensemble sound throughout. Your students will dig this one and the audience will rave. All aboard!
    Chargement en cours
    Chargement en cours